Ինչպե՞ս ընտրել Շինարարական գործիքներ լավագույն արտադրող, մատակարար, մեծածախ, դիստրիբյուտոր և Շինարարական գործիքներ գործարան:
LEE YEONG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. մեկն է հանրահայտ արտադրողներ, մատակարարների եւ արտահանողների կողմից Շինարարական գործիքներ, մի գործարանում Taiwan. With տարիների փորձ կատարելու ուղղությամբ, մենք հայտնի ենք մեր ականավոր կատարման մեջ արդյունաբերության Մենք օգնում ենք որպես առաջատար ապրանքանիշի Taiwan. Մենք անընդհատ բարելավել մեր արտադրանքը համապատասխանում է միջազգային չափանիշներին: Մենք մի թիմ, որն ապահովում է մասնագետների ժամանակին մատակարարելու բարձր quality.Our անկեղծության եւ քրտնաջան աշխատանք է օգնել մեզ, համընկնում է մեր որակը միջազգային չափանիշներին.



We Harness The Power of Technology, Enabling You to Achieve.


We Focus on Concrete Matters and Real Needs, Innovating Power Tools for The Toughest Demands.


We Constantly Strive for Excellence

With a passion for problem-solving, AGP is dedicated to the optimization and innovation of professional power tools and motor technology.
We constantly strive for excellence through listening to the challenges you face and developing products with strict standards in the hardest conditions.
We provide a wide range of products for diverse needs. From pre-sales to after- sales, from warranty to tool repair, our service supports you throughout to keep your tools in the best condition.
Not only for the pursuit of quality, we relentlessly develop efficient and user-friendly products to empower you with efficiency and live life to the fullest.
Committed to Technological Breakthroughs and a Better Society
AGP has taken responsibility for building a sustainable society for over 30 years because of caring about the working experience and life of everyone. We value a long-lasting partnership with our stakeholders. For our employees, we create a friendly and open-minded workplace. For local communities, we actively give back through charity events.
For our environment, we use energy-saving equipment in our plant and continuously develop energy-efficient products. We believe enthusiasm drives innovation, humanity facilitates convenience, and sustainability brings happiness. Empower your work and a better life is what keeps AGP progressing


Our Profession

We are the creators of electric power tools for various industries including metalworking, concrete and stone-working, as well as the airless paint spraying industry. Our technological expertise lies in what is the very heart of a power tool; the motor. From design, to sourcing, to manufacturing, we are capable of transforming ideas into working power tools for various industries.
Innovating to make existing tools better and easier to use, we listen to and understand what our customers need, and produce products to fit their market, creating key advantages for their success. Focusing on niche market strategies as well as specialization in brushless motors applications, we make the best partners for meeting industry needs.

Our History

In 1989, AGP started as a 2-person family company producing small power tools for the Taiwanese market. With the years of dedication and the constant expansion to new markets, we have grown to be an international organization with over 180 skilled employees which is currently distributing products on 6 continents. AGP Taiwan serves as the design and manufacturing center for global markets. We export over 60% of our products to European market. Since 2017, the sales and distribution of AGP products in the European market are organized by AGP Europe, located in Europe Mere, Belgium.

Interesting Fact

AGP comes from All Get Profit, as simple as it sounds, it symbolizes the values the founders of AGP keep, which are to be always mindful of all stakeholders within the entire business, including our suppliers and our customers.


R&D Capabilities

With designers and engineers of unique backgrounds and a strategic R&D decision process, we transform new concepts into working power tools faster than most, providing advantages to our customers by greatly shortening the time frame to bring a new tool to market.

Consistent High Quality and Flexibility

From in-house design and certified testing capabilities, to sourcing and production, we control each stage of the production process. This integration is key to maintaining consistent quality and maximum flexibility.

Responsive and Problem Solving

Industry experience, creativity, and a dynamic team means we can be responsive to market needs. We listen to user suggestions to create products which are most suitable to their given market. We constantly seek out feedback from end users to find the best solutions to fit their needs.

Global Service

AGP customers can receive their products fast, safe and smoothly, thanks to the close collaboration with our distribution network in various countries. Find high- quality drill motors, drill stand, saws, concrete grinders, wall chasers, drywall sanders and vacuum cleaners from our distributors.


Powerful and versatile, AGP’s diamond construction power tools are designed for use by professional construction workers to withstand challenging work environments.
Produced under stringent testing routines, our diamond construction products are made to achieve maximum standards of safety. With feedback from heavy users on real job sites from around the world, we make up-to date and user focused designs, so users can achieve better results with ease and more efficiently. AGP’s construction power tools are optimized for the demands of modern worksites.



We select qualified and knowledgeable dealers to sell AGP products. You can be sure, whether you need new products or tool servicing, our dealers can provide knowledgeable and expert solutions to your needs.
Repair & Maintenance
After-sale satisfaction is an essential element of product quality, which is why we are highly responsive to make sure you receive accurate diagnosis and repair. With AGP-only special repair tools, our dealers can repair and maintain tools quickly and without errors, freeing you to focus on what’s important!


AGP offers up to 12 months of limited warranty on power products and accessories.


AGP provides training to our dealers to ensure that they provide you with expert knowledge of the AGP solutions that best fit your needs. With technical repair training support to AGP dealers, we make sure you receive the most accurate repair and maintenance.


  • 1989
    A 2-person family business was started from the garage, selling the 1st product, a 1/4” electric screwdriver, to the Taiwanese domestic market.
  • 1992
    With computerized winding and testing equipment, the company established a motor winding department and began to focus on export markets.
  • 1994
    With increased market demand, a factory in the Douliu Industrial Park was purchased to increase production capacity.
  • 2003
    AGP received several awards including the Taiwan Excellence Award for the ME-3500 Magnetic Core Drill, Taiwan SMEs Innovation Award, and the Good Design Award by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan.
  • 2004
    A second manufacturing plant of 1,200 square meters was added to further increase capacity.
  • 2012
    With increasing demands, the company officially opened a newly-built factory building of 11,000 square meters.
  • 2014
    Developed and launched high-frequency motor series, officially entering another new era of power tools.
  • 2017
    AGP Europe BV officially opened to serve the sales and distribution needs of the Europe market.
Մեր անկեղծությունը ու դժվարին աշխատանք է օգնել մեզ համապատասխանելու որակը մեր

Շինարարական գործիքներ

միջազգային չափանիշներին: Համաձայն տարբեր տեսակների արտադրության պահանջներին, մենք առաջարկում ենք կատարյալ ծառայություններից ձեզ.